Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pocket Watch

My brother is soooo spoiled. I got him this pretty pocket watch for my
friends wedding. It was on sale for $20, but I still need to buy my
dress(which is probably gonna be $20 too) and a necklace. He better be
greatfull... actually he is, he's ecstatic. Guess i'll get back to
helping my friend buy her wedding stuff. Im going to add pictures here
and on my flickr page in the next few days. The wedding is next
saturday, can't wait!! Im contributing a lot to the decorations, so im
super excited!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waterfront Pictures

Here are some pictures I took sunday at my friends bridal shower! It
was in a beautifull house that was rented out to us for the afternoon
and it was right next to the water! These pictures were taken when we
first got there and later on in the afternoon. The place was so
amazing that I didn't want to leave.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Graffiti for a Cause?

Saw this on a wall today. It made me laugh a little. Did a homeless
guy do it? Was it a nice graffiti artist? We tend to have graffiti
artist around here that legally tag abandoned buildings for a good
cause. So could it be "good" graffiti? Any ideas?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sewed Laptop/Messenger Bag Tutorial

Heres the first toturial i'm going to post from another blog. A great blog all around but this caught my eye.

Love this cute messenger bag! It looks like the one I made a while ago and it looks pretty easy to make! The tutorial is on this cute blog:

Fixed My Blog!

Finally got my blog fixed! The comment section was giving me issues. How is everyone doing? I wanted to do a series of posts about great tutorials i've seen on websites and blogs that arent very popular, or that are old but still good, so if you have any good crafty tutorials, feel free to comment with a link here so I can feature it. Thanks!

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