Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Craft Swap!

Well, lately i've been organizing my 'craft space'. And now I have a
bunch of craft supplies I know i'll never use but I can't throw out.
Well, why not find a good home for my stuff trading with someone else?

A craft swap is essentially where crafters exchange supplies they
don't use anymore with other crafters, so everyone ends up with fresh

So now, lets talk rules:

- The swap has to happen in the US, or the crafter getting the items
has to be willing to pay for shipping if its international.

- The swap has to have a similar value. You can't exchange a box of
paints for a small packet of beads(unless the beads are valuable)

- Please, for everyone's sake, the items must be clean. Or at least
presentable. If the fabric is stained with jam, DON'T trade it.

- Have fun! And invite your friends! This swap is open to all crafters
of all types.

Everyone who is interested comment here with contact info and i'll
post the official swap and list of crafters in another post.



  1. We have some paper scraps left over from our album art coasters. I think they would work good in collage art. I'm not familiar with paper making, but that might be a possibility.

  2. Well, I might as well post what I have. I have some paper from a scrapbooking pack and various other scrapbook supplies, and a bunch of random items that would be good in kids crafts or used as embelishments(for ex. old costume jewelry, stickers, color pencils, small clear plastic boxes,)

  3. Hi. Saw your thread in the My Craft Corner forum. I'd love to join the swap. I crochet now and then, but lately I have been focusing on my jewelry, so I can part with a few skeins. My name is Anais. I can be contacted through Etsy (madmadwonderland.etsy.com), yahoomail (anais_in_wonderland@yahoo.com) or through My Craft Corner (http://www.mycraftcorner.com/profile/AnaisinWonderland)

    Keep me posted. I'm looking to trade for jewelry supplies or unwanted costume jewelry.


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